Thursday, March 11, 2010

pain is weakness leaving the body

If pain really is weakness leaving the body, my Lord, was I a weak, weak person before.  Track started on Monday, and LORD LORD LORD, my calves have never hurt like this before!  Soccer would make my thighs sore and achy but never my calves!  Now I just have sore legs altogether. 

The calves are the worst though, because I didn't realize just how much of a calf stretch it is to just stand up.  One night, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.  I tried to stand up, only to fall back down onto my bed before my legs even straightened all the way. 

Mornings are especially the worst because I have to get up and go, and after eight hours of not moving, my muscles seem to be overloaded with the movement. 

My legs are better today, thank God, but now my wrist seems to have developed some kind of pain.  I blame it on the discus (I throw--I don't do that running nonsense lol)

Well, I'm going to get off the Internet now.  It's time to study for AP Psych.


darling you said...

If you need low intensity workouts that don't strain your legs the elliptical is for you.
It burns calories FAST and doesn't hurt your legs.

Feel better soon honey <3

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