Monday, March 22, 2010


So my mother just spent a good 20 minutes trying to get into her bank account online, all the while yelling at me whenever it did anything stupid and about how stupid it was and just STUPIDITY. As if yelling at me would make anything better.  WTF Mother... if I ever even take the slightest bit of attitude at you because I'm mad at something else, you get on my case!  But you just spent 20 minutes YELLING AT ME FOR NO REASON.

Anywayyy, I got to see my old BFF today... we spent a couple of hours at the mall and I found shoes for prom! For only 30 bucks!  Not bad, not bad at all! :)   I will go back and buy them with my mother.

However, today, I also got my research paper for English... and it is 60% of my damn grade for the marking period.  Oh Lord, I just saw that Valedictorian spot slip through my fingers when I read that.  And I have to read a stupid book for this nonsense.  NONSENSE, I TELL YOU.

I will be going to track in about an hour and a half, yay :)  I love it! I love throwing discus lol


darling you said...

I never liked the concept of picking a valedictorian because of their grades. It should be an inspirational person who isn't afraid to be themselves. Honestly.
At my school they always choose someone from the debate team to do it because they are good public speakers. It's bull.

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