Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I truly am the hated child.

The biggest mistake that I've ever made is cheating on a stupid science test in eighth grade.  That is the only time my parents ever got a call home from school in my entire 17.5 years of life.  Yet, somehow, everything I do seems to be wrong to them.  Anytime I open my mouth, I am wrong, and I anger them.

Today's reason for hating me?  I brought up an article on Yahoo about how Europe thinks Obama's health plan is long overdue.  My parents are both big Obama haters, and they swear everyone in Europe laughs at the US for having a black man lead their nation and that we will be communists soon.  Well, anyway, I mentioned the article and my father exploded at me, like literally, he just started yelling!  Even my mom asked him why he started yelling.

His rationalization? "Because she's talking out of her ass"  All I had said was 'Did you read that article? If Obama wasn't elected, we'd never see universal healthcare' and he started screaming about communism and how, if he wanted communism, he would have stayed in Poland.

Meanwhile, my mother was trying to calm him down, but I said 'No, forget it.  I'm the hated child, I know.' and he had the audacity to try to apologize and hug me as I walked by him.  Um, no.

College, please take me away now.


darling you said...

Soon. Soon. Soon. Soon. Soon.
You'll be free.

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