Monday, February 22, 2010

Average everyday

Psychology has me swamped, and I'm scared for next week. The juniors have the HSPA, so the seniors basically get three days of sitting in the auditorium, bored out of their minds. However, my Psych teacher has guaranteed that we will get work, and we will get lots of work.

In other news, applying for financial aid also has pulling at my hair. I have to fax in all of my parents' taxes to four schools, I have to apply for scholarships, WAIT UNTIL APRIL 1 TO FIND OUT IF I'M EVEN IN.

Prom is coming up... graduation is coming up... the senior trip... there is just so much coming up that it's weighing down now. Even when there is nothing due, there is something due.

All of that plus my lack of a social life puts me on a roller coaster ride of emotions. For a while, I felt so depressed and I couldn't pull myself out of it. Now all is okay, but I'm fearing what will happen when it's not okay anymore. I really don't want to do feel all that despair again.

Four more months, though, and I'll begin on my journey of self-discovery.


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